Rev. Dr. Hugh Osgood | Course Creator

A note from course creator and teacher
Revd Dr Hugh Osgood

It has been a real privilege to develop and teach this course over many years now, and it would be great to get to know you and help you grow in your leadership. There are three key areas which I believe makes this course so special.

By placing Jesus’ life, death and resurrection at the centre of the Bible is gives us the very best understanding of Scripture. This course looks through the Bible chronologically to help build up this picture and give us the fullest revelation of who He is.

Not only do we study the storyline of the Bible. We look at some key historic and modern theological questions that have been central to the Christian faith over the centuries and they will help our understanding and relationship with God today.

During the course, we will develop a relationship with your Bible, as well as taking time to think and reflect upon what you have been learning.  This will provide you with the space and time needed to deepen your personal understanding of God’s Word which will only benefit as you lead those around you.

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Course & Lecture Overview

Each module consist of six lectures and, together, tells the redemptive plan of redemption set forth from Genesis to Revelation. Discover Jesus at the centre of both the New and Old Testaments and learn to apply the truths of Scripture to the world we live in.

  1. The Bible as we know it
  2. The Writing of the Scriptures
  3. The Gathering of the Scriptures
  4. The Authority of the Bible
  5. The Translation of the Bible
  6. Some Historical Implications of Bible Translation
  1. Understanding a passage in the here and now
  2. Understanding a passage as originally written
  3. Getting to grips with the meaning of words
  4. Understanding a passage in its biblical setting
  5. Interpretation and the Holy Spirit
  6. The Bible and Christian living
  1. The Creation, the fall, the flood and the nations
  2. Covenanting the land and the seed
  3. Growing a nation and leaving Egypt
  4. The law, the tabernacle and the priesthood
  5. Surveying the land and the wilderness wanderings
  6. Settling the land and living under the judges
  1. Samuel; managing Saul and raising David
  2. David; a King with a covenant
  3. Solomon; wisdom and folly
  4. The Divided Kingdom; decline and renewal
  5. The Assyrian threat; collapse and contrast
  6. The Babylonian threat; warnings and promises
  1. Judah under the Babylonians
  2. Life in captivity
  3. Proclaiming a new order
  4. Zerubbabel and Joshua’s restoration
  5. Esther, Ezra and Nehemiah; equipped to serve
  6. Malachi and Joel, and the intertestamental period
  1. Church thinking refined
  2. Christ’s humanity observed
  3. Christ’s humanity required
  4. Christ’s deity attested
  5. Church teaching defined
  6. The present day ministry of Jesus affirmed
  1. One message, two locations
  2. Writing the Gospel accounts
  3. The parables; to clarify or confuse?
  4. The Upper Room Discourse
  5. The Cross
  6. The Resurrection and Ascension
  1. From Jerusalem to Samaria
  2. From persecutor to pioneer
  3. The circumcision debate
  4. Ministry around the Aegean
  5. Paul’s route to Rome
  6. Beyond the book of Acts
  1. Interpreting Revelation
  2. The triumph of the Word
  3. The seven building blocks of Revelation
  4. Creating heaven on earth
  5. Setting an end-time timetable
  6. Believing for a glorious Church
  1. Issues surrounding contextualization
  2. Creating and contextualization
  3. Orientation and complementarity
  4. Embryo experimentation and sanctity of life
  5. Eternal punishment and original sin
  6. Holistic mission and inter-faith engagement
  1. The Person of the Holy Spirit
  2. The ministry of the Holy Spirit
  3. Receiving the Holy Spirit
  4. The fruit of the Spirit
  5. The gifts of the Holy Spirit
  6. Offences against the Holy Spirit
  1. The Church and the Roman Empire (AD30 – AD500)
  2. The Church and the rise of Islam (AD500 – AD800)
  3. The establishing of Christendom (AD800 – 1500)
  4. The Reformation and its after-effects (1500-1700)
  5. The Evangelical Awakening and its after-effects (1700-1900)
  6. The rise of Pentecostalism and televisual communications (1900 – 2000)

When are the lecture days?

There are two sessions on each lecture day and they run from 10am to 3pm, once a month. This is typically the 3rd Friday of the month. There is a lunch break approximately half way through.

The dates for 2023 are still to be confirmed.

How much does the course cost?

The cost of this course is £300. And different payment options are available on the booking page.

Are there any entry requirements or course exams?

You don’t need formal qualifications for this course, but you will need familiarity with the Bible and key Christian principles as teaching is based upon some assumed prior knowledge. Although the course is aimed at those in leadership we are open to all. Questions are welcomed during sessions to help stimulate conversation and clarify points. There are no tests or exams, it is a course by attendance with a certificate awarded to those attending the required number of modules.

There are limited places available on this course.
So if you are interested, do book early.


Free Church House,
27 Tavistock Square,
London, WC1H 9HH

Train & Tube:
5-10 minute walk from
Euston or King's Cross St Pancras

By Car:
Limited on street parking available